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New Jersey earthquake? 3.1-magnitude quake shakes people awake early Wednesday

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New Jersey earthquake? 3.1-magnitude quake shakes people awake early Wednesday

ASBURY PARK, N.J. — A 3.1 magnitude earthquake was confirmed to have struck parts of Central Jersey early Wednesday morning, according to a report from the United States Geological Survey.

The quake was felt around 2 a.m., lasting 13 seconds about a mile and a half near  Freehold Township, according to USGS geophysicist Robert Sanders. 

"We've received a high concentration of reports from local residents of a quake being felt out of Freehold," Sanders said.

There have been two previous earthquakes on record that have also struck within 10 miles of the epicenter of Wednesday's morning quake in Freehold: A 3.1 earthquake happened in June 1992 and a 3.5 struck in 1979, according to Sanders.

ما هو دكتور دعم Drd3m؟ وماهي مميزاته ؟!

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ما هو دكتور دعم Drd3m؟ 

 “Drd3m هو واحد من أفضل أدوات التسويق الاجتماعي التي يمكن أن تزيد من عدد متابعيك بأقل الأسعار وأعلى ضمانات.” 


 دكتور دعم Drd3m يحتوي هذا الموقع على نسختين باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. اللغة الافتراضية هي اللغة العربية. لتغيير اللغة انقر على اللغة الإنجليزية في الصفحة الرئيسية دكتور دعم Drd3m.

2. الصفحة الرئيسية

 دكتور دعم  Drd3m للتسجيل كعضو جديد ، انقر فوق القسم المحدد في الصورة التالية أو في إصدار اللغة الإنجليزية ، انقر فوق “تسجيل”. ثم ستفتح صفحة التسجيل لك. في هذا القسم ، يجب عليك إدخال اسمك والبريد الإلكتروني وتعيين كلمة مرور.

3. بعد التسجيل

تستطيع استخدام خدمات دكتور دعم Drd3m ، من خلال النقر فوق “NEW ORDER”. في هذا القسم ، يمكنك رؤية الخدمات التي قدمها دكتور دعم Drd3m لك . في “الفئة” ، حدد الخدمة المفضلة لديك وانظر وصف تلك الخدمة.

 انسخ والصق رابط Instagram الخاص بك في قسم “Link” ، ثم حدد الجودة التي تريدها وسيتم تطبيق هذه الخدمة على حسابك.

4. المميزات

عرض دكتور دعم Drd3m مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات مع الكثير من التنوع لـ Instagram إنستقرام . تتضمن هذه الخدمات “الإعجابات” و “المتابعين” و “المشاهدات” و “التعليقات” و “عروض القصة” و “عروض تلفزيون إنستقرام IGTV” و “عارض الفيديو المباشر”. يمكنك اختيار هذه الخدمات بأي جودة لحسابك في Instagram إنستقرام .

يحتوي دكتور دعم Drd3m أيضًا على بعض الخدمات التلقائية مثل Auto-Like و Auto-Comment. الجزء المثير للاهتمام من خدمات دكتور دعم Drd3m هو متتبعو Instagram إنستقرام  “البلد المستهدف”. في هذا القسم ، يمكنك اختيار أن يكون لديك متابعين أو أمثال من بلد معين. تتوفر الآن الإعجابات والأتباع من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والبرازيل وروسيا وتايلاند واليابان والعرب.

5. السعر

دكتور دعم Drd3m لديه الكثير من الخدمات بأسعار مختلفة. وفقا للخدمة وجودة الخدمة ، فإن السعر سيتغير. قبل اختيار الخدمة التي تريدها ، يجب عليك شحن حسابك. لشحن الحساب ، انقر على “إضافة الأموال” وأدخل مبلغ المال الذي تحتاجه وطريقة الدفع.

كن عضورا الان

funny cat

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توقيع اينشتاين وصل قيمة 300 ألف دولار

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رابط الكود في الأسفل

دخل البرت انشتاين فندق في اليابان عام 1993 ودخل عامل الى غرفته لينجز له خدمة، انشتاين اراد ان يعطيه بقشيشا، فلما وضع يده في جيبه لم يجد اي مال يعطيه له فأخرج ورقة وفلم وكتب له جملة بالألمانية وامضي عليها وقال له "انا اسق لا املك مالا اعطيه لك ولكن احتفظ بهذه الورقة فمن الممكن أن يأتي عليها يوم وتصبح ثمينة " مات العامل وضلت الورقة مع ابن اخيه وباعها في مزاد ب300 ألف دولار.

حادثة الحصان التي نجى منها عاصي الحلاني وفقد ذاكرته بسببها .. لن تصدق كيف أصبح

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عاصي الحلاني هو ملحن ومغني معروف لدى الجميع، تعرض لحادثة في الشهر الماضي وهو في رحلة مع ابنه الوليد.

وعندما كان يمتطي حصانه تعثر الحصان مما ادى لسقوط عاصي على الارض ثم سقوط الحصان عليه، مما ادى الى كسور في يده اليسرى وتورم في خده الايسر بسبب ارتطامه في الارض عند السقوط.

وفد لجأ الطبيب لزراعة سيخين من الفولاذ لتثبيت يده المكسورة تحت التجبير، هذا غير الكسور الطفيفة التي تعرض لها جراء سقوط الحصان بكل ثقله عليه.

امرأة تخترع سيارة خاصة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

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امرأة تخترع سيارة خاصة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، لتساعد الأشخاص الذين يمتلكون نفس اعاقتها وتجعلهم يعتمدون على انفسهم.

أسماء عملات الدول العربية .. ستنصدم من عملة فلسطين

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هناك الكثير من الدول العربية التي تتشارك نفس اسم العملة، دعونا نتعرف عليها


الكويت - الأردن - الجزائر - ليبيا - تونس - البحرين - العراق


فلسطين - السودان - مصر


السعودية - اليمن - قطر - عمان 


الإمارات - المغرب 


سوريا - لبنان

انتحار مراهقة بريطانية لعدم حصولها على اللايكات

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انتحرت مراهقة بريطانية تدعى (روبي سيبل ) التي تبلغ 15 عاما ،المهووسة بالإنترنت فخي تقضي حوالي 7 ساعات يوميا على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، وذلك لعدم حصولها على عدد كاف من اللايكات على تطبيق التواصل الاجتماعي انستجرام.

والجدير بالذكر انها كتبت على السناب شات (قد اقتل نفسي هذا الصباح ) ولكن لم ي}خذ كلامها على محمل الجد.

حقيقة مفتل حارس الملوك (عبد العزيز الفغم ) رحمه الله

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بعد استيلاء الحوثي على اراضي سعودية وأسر وقتل ضباط من القوات البحرية في نجران ، طلب الملك سلمان من ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان التنازل عن ولاية العهد لأخيه سلطان بن سلمان بسبب ما تسببه في حالة المملكة وتبعيته لمحمد بن زايد وحالات الفجور التي تحدث من هيئة الترفيه ومشاكل الشعب من الضرائب وغيرها.

ولكن رفض ولي العهد محمد بن سلمان هذا الأمر ورفع صوته على الملك بحضور حارسه الشخصي عبد العزيز الفغم، وأمر بمنع الزيارات عن الملك والمقابلات ايضا، فرفض الفغم الشتماع لأوامره مما ادى لنشوب اطلاق نار بين حرس محمد بن سلمان وحرس الملك برئاسة الفغم، مما أدى الى مقتله.

العاب جدا رائعة يجب أن تكون على جهازك الاندرويد والتحميل بروابط مباشرة

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نقدم لكم قائمة بالعاب متنوعه ورائعه ومن الضروري وجودها على اجهزتكم الاندرويد وتجربتها لانها تستحق التجربة ، وبروابط مباشرة وسريعة

Soul Knight

صور من اللعبة:.

فيديو من داخل اللعبة :.

رابط مباشر لتحميل اللعبة:.

Battle Bay

صور من اللعبة:.

فيديو من داخل اللعبة :.

رابط مباشر لتحميل اللعبة:.

كيف تحصل على أول قبلة لك ممن تحبه ( للشباب فقط )

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إذا لم تكن قد حصلت على قبلتك الاولى ممن تحبه أو من زوجتك أو أنك لم تستطع أو أنك تخاف الرفض من قبل الطرف الاخر فهناك بعض النصائح لتجعلك تحقق ذلك أو أن تحسن منها، وهناك نصائح للشباب و للبنات، لنتعرف أولا على الطرق الذي يجب إتباعها من الشباب لتحقيق مبتغاهم.

1.الحصول على الثقة.

يجب عليك التحلي في الثقة بنفسك في هذه المواقف فالثقة بالنفس تلعب دورا مهما هنا، ولا تتصر بشكل عشوائي ولا تكن هادئا ولا تشعرها بأنك خجولا منها، أو ترفض تلبية نظرتها، بدلا من ذلك، بين لها أنك مرتاحا معها، تواصل معها عن طريق الاتصال العين، والتحدث بوضوح، وتصرف بوثوق.

ومما يساعدك أن تكون واثقا من نفسك أيضا، مضع علكة بطعم النعناع لتبقي رائحة فمك عطرة، وأن تكون نظيفا ، وأخذ دشا قبل هذا الأمر الكبير، ولبس الملابس الجذابة النظيفة، ووضع مزيل العرق والعطر.

2.حلق اللحية.

هذا القرار انما هو اختياري، فمعظم الفتيات يفضلون الرجل بدون لحية، ولكن البعض منهم يفضلون اللحية على الرجل، فلابد لك أن تعرف ماذا تحب فتاتك.

3.اعتمد على لغة العيون.

لا تنظر بعيدا بل انظر في عينيها، اظهر لها انك على استعداد لفعلها. وقفلها لعينها هي مؤشر على استعداداها.

4.الاعتماد على اللمس.

فلابد منك أن تضع يديك حول خصرها ، اعقد يديها أو قم يإبعاد شعرها عن وجهها.

5.المشاهدة والترقب.

Azimut Debuts New Superyacht

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The Azimut Grande 35 Metri made its debut last week at the Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous in Italy. Beyond being Azimut’s new flagship, the 115-foot raised pilothouse incorporates pioneering designs that include two beach clubs, a largest-in-class balcony, and the option of adding a level that serves as a second sundeck.
Stefano Righini, the designer who has defined Azimut’s distinctive profiles over several decades, made sure to use every inch of usable exterior space on the 35 Metri. The stern beach club, measuring 130 square feet, is a fully dedicated beach club, with a transom swim platform that pivots down toward the water. Typically, beach clubs compete with tender garages for available space, but the Metri 35’s garage is on the side of the hull, so beach clubbers don’t have to look at hanging jet skis. Instead, the spa-like area that offers immediate access to the water.
Yacht builders have recently discovered the social possibilities that bow areas offer, but only the Metri 35 has embraced it wholeheartedly. The 323-square-foot area is actually a multi-layered terrace that extends from the saloon windshield all the way down to the forepeak, with a dining table, lounges, sunbeds, and a Jacuzzi in between. The area makes a fantastic social area for a party when the 35 Metri is docked stern-to, since the privacy factor is much higher than gathering at the rear.
Righini retained Azimut’s curvaceous, sportboat-like flybridge, but added the option of another deck, measuring 325 square feet, without breaking the boat’s lithe profile. Trends in yacht design have been to find extra space in an existing footprint. This optional deck adds space without compromising the rest of the exterior.
The interior by Achille Salvagni made excellent use of the boat’s 25-foot beam. Salvagni used matte-textured woods against darker, polished species. Inserts in brass, bronze, and stainless steel add a sense of elegance, but a low-key elegance. A large, circular sofa in the saloon is an original piece of furniture underscored by the radial arrangement of other decor. Floor-to-ceiling windows bathe the interior in natural light.
The master suite forward also has floor-to-ceiling windows, including one that transforms into a unique terrace made of carbon fiber and glass, folding out to become an instant balcony. These kind of gigayacht features found across the 35 Metri—a three-floor spiral staircase with backlit onyx steps, a lifting platform on the foredeck, among others—are rare, if nonexistent, on yachts this size. With its many innovative features, the 35 Metri was successful in reinventing the 100-foot-plus category.
Of course, some of the most important features most people will never see. The all-carbon-fiber superstructure and hardtop are good examples. But so is the use of modal design analysis borrowed from the aerospace industry to minimize vibration and internal noise. Though the 35 Metri is one of Azimut’s “wide-body” designs, thanks to the 25-foot beam, its displacement to planing (D2P) hull reaches a top end of 25.5 knots with the two 2,400 hp MTU engines. In displacement mode of 10 knots, it has a range of 1,500 miles.
Every boat, by definition, contains compromises. The 35 Metri, however, is more than the sum of its parts. The smart design is about as spot-on as a yacht in its class can get. (azimut-yachts.com)

Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle Chronograph Perpetual Calendar

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Few brands pay such close attention to their history as Vacheron Constantin, so when the Traditionnelle Chronograph Perpetual Calendar went under the knife for its latest refresh, we knew it wouldn’t be created from scratch. With subtle yet noteworthy design changes at both the technical and visual level, the platinum-cased darling remains one of the most impressive wristwatches of the brand’s relatively broad collection. Earlier this year, we spoke with Vacheron’s artistic director Christian Selmoni about adapting the company’s design direction to market changes, so we thought the newest Tradionnelle would be a perfect tangible example of his efforts to bring into the office for closer examination.

How It Looks
At a cursory glance, you could almost mistake this slate gray perpetual calendar for its 2010 forbearer. Its indices and dauphine hands remain unchanged, as do its darker gray minute track and the date track of the subdial at six o’clock. Its case, pushers, and crown are also business as usual. The most apparent visual change is the switch from white disks (which many critics found distracted from the piece’s sleek black and gray palette) to black disks for the day, month, and leap-year indicators. You’ll also notice that its subdials are now match the color of the dial, and a tachymeter scale has been added to the outer perimeter of its dial. This final detail adds an odd sense of completeness to the perpetual chronograph’s design, one that you wouldn’t even have known was lacking the previous version, but in examining the two side by side, the addition is both warranted and welcome.
How It Works
Vacheron’s Caliber 1142 QP saw a couple of noteworthy changes over the outgoing 1141 QP, though it’s the “why” more than the “what” that is most interesting. Rather than oscillating at 2.5 Hz (as it has in past versions), the piece now runs at 3 Hz, or 21,600 vibrations per hour. Details have been challenging to pin down; effectively, the origin of the base caliber comes from a Lemania design, however Vacheron Constantin does produce each component themselves. This base caliber is then mated to a perpetual mechanism entirely designed and manufactured by Vacheron, earning the company the full right to refer to the 1142 as an in-house manufacture movement. In changing its running frequency, the base caliber has been extensively modified and nominally trimmed down to a thickness of 7.37 mm. Functionally, the 1142 is entirely business as usual, but the edits to inner workings please our inner horology geek.

How to Get It
The new Traditionnelle Chronograph Perpetual Calendar goes on sale later this month in Vacheron Constantin boutiques and select retailers for $129,600.

Beverly Hills’ Most Expensive Home Includes Gold Cars

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  • Geoff Nudelman
Homes within the Trousdale Estates community are some of the most sought-after plots of land in Beverly Hills. One street within the neighborhood has earned the moniker “Billionaire’s Row,” with building sites selling north of $30 million. A new property is set to be the most expensive on the block: Developed by former film producer Nile Niami and architect Paul McClean, Opus is a seven-bedroom, 11-bathroom contemporary statement covering 20,500 square feet on just more than an acre. Only two buildable lots remain on this desirable street.
The home is a stunning display of open living nestled in modern architecture. A marble entrance leads to a main-floor entertaining area that begs to host significant soirées. Massive sliding doors open to a sun deck, infinity pool, and fire pit. All of this unfolds to an unobstructed backdrop of the City of Angels stretching from downtown to the Pacific Ocean.
Niami and McClean designed the home so it blends into the lush hillside landscape. Every feature of the home is clean and crisp, without feeling grandiose. A second swimming pool gracefully divides the first and second floors with adjoining dual hot tubs in the same marbled colorways present throughout the home.
The have-it-all atmosphere continues with a 15-person screening room, spa treatment room, and a very special wine cellar for the lover of bubbly—the Cristal room contains a floor-to-ceiling collection of the coveted Champagne. There is also a large, traditional wine cellar to house the remainder of the owner’s collection.
In addition to the $3 million art collection adorning the walls, the estate also comes with two examples of automotive art in the garage: a Lamborghini and a Rolls-Royce, both clad in gold. Opus is an off-market listing with an asking price of $100 million. 

Lamborghini Huracán LP610-4 Spyder

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Lamborghinis have always appealed to iconoclasts who see the marque as a bold challenger to convention. While much of the exotic car world has embraced turbochargers, Lamborghini honors tradition with its naturally aspirated V-10 engine that delivers heady performance, accompanied by a soundtrack that stirs the soul. The drop-top Lamborghini Huracán LP610-4 Spyder achieves swift velocity with maximum aural accompaniment, achieving a level of mechanical musicality rarely heard in a passenger vehicle. While purists will decry the open Lambo’s slight added weight and sacrificed stiffness, enthusiasts seeking a stirring drive will be treated to a car that delivers spectacle and sonority wrapped in an equally arresting body. Its quick transformation from closed coupe to roadster requires a mere 17 seconds to perform. Thankfully for impatient drivers, that can be achieved at speeds up to 31 mph. Those hoping to enjoy V-10 sounds without lowering the roof can drop the rear window, which keeps out the weather but welcomes the engine noise. On the open road, Lamborghini’s Spyder sparks a rush of adrenaline—a sensation felt similarly by matadors fighting their own aggressive bulls. Fortunately, drivers will find this Italian breed easier to tame.

Configuration: Mid-engine, all-wheel-drive convertible
Engine: 5.2-liter, V-10
Transmission: 7-speed dual-clutch automated-manual
Power: 602 hp at 8,250 rpm
Torque: 413 ft lbs at 6,500 rpm
Curb Weight: 3,135 lbs
Zero-to-60 mph: 3.3 seconds
Top Speed: 201 mph
Base Price: $237,250

The Invoke Smart Speaker Brings Microsoft’s Cortana AI to Your Living Room

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IF THE FUTURE of computing really does look like Her, and everyone will soon be talking to their devices and falling in love with the soothing voices in their ears, Microsoft is sitting pretty. Or at least, it ought to be: Its Cortana virtual assistant already integrates seamlessly into Windows 10, works on iOS and Android, and will start showing up in cars soon. It’s good for work, good for play, even has a cool name. Yet Cortana gets left out of the voice assistant in-crowd, because it’s missing one key thing: a smart speaker like the Google Home or Amazon Echo. Those in-home devices have become the first place most people use these assistants, and Microsoft just doesn’t have one. Until now.
The new Invoke speaker, made by Harman Kardon, is more or less a direct copy of the Amazon Echo—a tall, cylindrical speaker with a blue light at the top that glows when the speaker is listening to you. It can control some of your smart-home devices, set reminders, name the members of One Direction (RIP), and many other things Echo or Home can also do. So far, the Invoke appears to have exactly one unique feature: It can make and receive calls with Skype. OK, so it’s like an Echo plus a speakerphone. Except, wait, the Echo and Home will do that soon too.
The Invoke is very much a me-too device, but that’s precisely the point. Whenever Apple launches its Siri Speaker, it’ll probably do all the same things too. Harman’s making a big deal out of the Invoke’s sound quality—three tweeters! 360-degree sound!—and its Dalek-like design, because those are the ways it can convince people to buy this device instead of an Echo. These companies can compete on sound quality and design and the intense awkwardness of their respective wake-words, but none of these speakers will ever be meaningfully better or more exciting than the others. Smart speakers are quickly becoming tablestakes gadgets, the way for all these companies to assert control over your entire voice-enabled life.
An in-home speaker is particularly important for Microsoft, which lost the smartphone race and thus has no way into people’s handsets other than the Cortana app that few will download and fewer will use. But on desktops, Windows has such massive market share that millions of people use Cortana by default—145 million, in fact, according to Microsoft’s latest numbers. In order to make a lasting dent in this new market, though, Microsoft needs its virtual assistant to be everywhere, including on devices people don’t just get from their IT department. With the Build conference coming up this week, Microsoft reportedly plans to open up its Cortana Skills Kit, letting developers build for its assistant. Microsoft’s whole strategy is to blanket the earth with its software, so expect more speakers soon.

Ten Secrets to a Successful Marriage

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Here are 10 principles of success I have learned from working with and observing hundreds of couples:
  1. Happiness is not the most important thing. Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness will come and go. Successful couples learn to intentionally do things that will bring happiness back when life pulls it away.
  2. Couples discover the value in just showing up. When things get tough and couples don't know what to do, they need to hang in there and be there for their spouse. Time has a way of helping couples work things out by providing opportunities to reduce stress and overcome challenges.
  3. If you do what you always do, you will get same result. Wise couples have learned that you have to approach problems differently to get different results. Often, minor changes in approach, attitude and actions make the biggest difference in marriage.
  4. Your attitude does matter. Changing behavior is important, but so is changing attitudes. Bad attitudes often drive bad feelings and actions.
  5. Change your mind, change your marriage. How couples think and what they believe about their spouse affects how they perceive the other. What they expect and how they treat their spouse matters greatly.
  6. The grass is greenest where you water it. Successful couples have learned to resist the grass is greener myth — i.e., someone else will make me happy. They have learned to put their energy into making themselves and their marriage better.
  7. You can change your marriage by changing yourself. Veteran couples have learned that trying to change their spouse is like trying to push a rope — almost impossible. Often, the only person we can change in our marriage is ourselves.
  8. Love is a verb, not just a feeling. Everyday life wears away the "feel good side of marriage." Feelings, like happiness, will fluctuate. But, real love is based on a couple's vows of commitment: "For better or for worse" — when it feels good and when it doesn't.
  9. Marriage is often about fighting the battle between your ears. Successful couples have learned to resist holding grudges and bringing up the past. They remember that they married an imperfect person — and so did their spouse.
  10. A crisis doesn't mean the marriage is over. Crises are like storms: loud, scary and dangerous. But to get through a storm you have to keep driving. A crisis can be a new beginning. It's out of pain that great people and marriages are produced.

Top 7 cars games

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2015 has so far seen the release and reveal of a few highly anticipated car racing games from big gaming franchises. Time for us to list the best ones out now and expected in the next twelve months!
Gamescom 2015, the leading gaming conference, added a couple of more to the table including Need For Speed 2015 which promises to revolutionize the entire franchise. Forza Motorsport 6 was revealed earlier in January and further detailed at Gamescom 2015 but is about to hit the stores in a few days.
The list combines both sim-racing games and arcade racing video games. We ranked our top 7 based on graphics, gameplay, mods and choice of race modes, tracks and cars. Don’t hesitate to post your comments below!
7. F1 2015
F1 2015 is the seventh Formula 1 racing game developed by Codemasters. It was released in July 2015 and is available on three platforms namely Windows PC, XBox One and PlayStation 4. The game incorporates all the drivers and circuits from the 2014 season. Despite having mixed reviews, the game topped the UK sales charts and enjoyed a stay in the top five for 5 weeks.
The game features a new Pro-season mode that is more complex than normal gameplay. In this mode players have no HUD or assists. Additionally, the game is compatible with PS4 and XBox One voice recognition software allowing players to communicate to their engineers at the pit stops. The AI is one of the features we criticized.
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Platform: Microsoft Windows, XBox One, PlayStation 4

6. Driveclub
Driveclub is a PlayStation 4 racing game released in 2014, it focuses on road racing and uses the concept of clubs where gamers can create teams of six people and join challenges together. Its graphics have been praised but its environment considered ‘lifeless’. A new patch was released in January 2015 with new countries and tracks.
Players can choose from three modes namely tour, single event and multiplayer. The multiplayer mode allows for clubs and interaction with real-life players through online races.
Developer: Evolution Studios
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation 4

 5The Crew: Wild Run

The Crew Wild Run is an open-world racing game and an expansion of ‘The Crew’. It was also one of the major highlights of Gamescom 2015. The expansion brings new graphics, new cars and new challenges as well. The game will be released on November 17, two weeks after Need for Speed 2015. The Crew has been praised for its rich graphics but criticized for poor physics.
The game takes players to a place called ‘The Summit’ where they compete in various challenges to identify the king of the road in famous locations in the United States. The cars range from dragsters, drifters, monster trucks, motorcycles and so on.
Developer: Ivory Tower
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: Microsoft Windows, XBox One, PlayStation 4, XBox 360
 4Project CARS

roject CARS was released in May 2015 across various platforms including Windows PC, PlayStation 4, XBox One and later on Linux. A release date for Wii U was cancelled after the developers deemed it unsmooth on the Nintendo platform. Project CARS has gained great popularity on popular consoles like the XBox and PlayStation.
Being a low budget game, Project CARS only offers a limited number of cars. Japanese cars are scare, the Mitsubishi Evo is the only one featured in the current version. The XBox One version has been known to suffer from bugs (audio) and low resolution. However, when it comes to realistic racing, Project CARS beats its rivals. The game assumes the structure of real life racing, including practices, shakedowns, qualifying and main race on different days.
Project CARS 2 was announced in June 2015 and will feature more cars and tracks including rallying and hill climbs.
Developer: Slightly Mad Studios
Publisher: Slightly Mad Studios
Platform: Microsoft Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, XBox One
3Need for Speed 2015

Need for Speed 2015 was another major highlight at Gamescom 2015, being a full reboot of the franchise the game has built quite a bit of anticipation. Furthermore, Ghost Games – a subsidiary of EA – took over the development from Criterion Games albeit with 80% of employees from the latter. As opposed to former NFS games, the new installment will require an online connection to play. It will be released on Microsoft Windows, XBox One and PlayStation 4 on November 3. One of the major changes in the new game is the lack of manual transmission which was met with rage by fans.
Developer: Ghost Games
Publisher: EA
Platform: Windows, PlayStation 4, XBox One

 2Assetto Corsa

Assetto Corsa is a sim-racing game initially released in late 2013 before the final version hit the market on 19 December 2014. Just like most sim-racing games, Assetto Corsa requires an extremely fast PC in order to run smoothly. Hardcore gamers spend thousands of dollars building these gaming PCs accompanied with real-life racing hardware. The game will soon be available on XBox One and PlayStation 4 in 2016 thanks to 505 Games.
AC offers vast freedom to its players and a similar sensation as that of real-life racing. With the console versions coming next year, its popularity will soon increase as the need for a powerful PC is one of its shortcomings currently.
Due to its flexibility and mods, the game is able to stay up to date depending on the customizations by the user. Gamers with experience in programming languages such as C# go the extra mile of creating their own telemetry and interface enhancements. Nevertheless, the game offers downloadable content in form of packs, one was released in March and a second one is under development.
Developer: Kunos Simulazioni
Publisher: 505 Games
Platform: Windows PC, XBox One, PlayStation 4
1Forza Motorsports 6

Forza Motorsport 6 is another highly anticipated game that is scheduled for September 2015 release on XBox One. New to the game is the wet-weather racing. To make this as realistic as possible the developers visited real world tracks to identify where water puddles are formed.
Forza 6 launches with a record breaking 450 cars and 26 tracks. Over 60 car makes have been confirmed so far, and race cars from leading series such as FIA WEC, WTCC, BTCC, V8 Supercars, F1 and Formula E are also included in Forza 6. New tracks include COTA, Brands Hatch, Lime Rock Park, Daytona Speedway, Monza and Watkins Glen.
Our most anticipated number 1 race game for 2015/2016!
Developer: Turn 10 Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Platform: XBox One

How to get a first kiss from a men !!

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Make yourself kissable. Not only will these tips help you feel more confident when you go in for a liplock, they'll also send subtle hints that you're ready to be kissed.

Lean in and make eye contact. Lean your head on your guy's shoulder as if you are about to fall asleep. Look up at him - if his arm goes around to let you in, go for the kiss. If not, or if he doesn't seem to be taking things the same way you are, he might not be ready yet. Just relax for now.

Hint that you want a kiss. There are a few things to do to plant the idea of kissing you like he thought of it. Try these, Look at his lips. Drop your gaze and your eyelids to half mast, then slowly, look back up at him and give him a little welcoming smile. 

Consider taking the lead. Some guys are very shy, and even those who aren't have been drilled over and over about unwelcome touching. Consider lightly kissing him on the cheek to show him that you're okay with touch, a lot of boys worry about going too far.

Invite him to kiss you. Yep, some guys really do need an engraved invitation. Let's say you've tried to show him you're ready, and he looks interested, but you just can't get him to kiss you. Say something like, "Couldn't we just be kissing right now?" If he doesn't kiss you then, he isn't going to.

Keep it gentle at first. Don't bring out the tongue, teeth or strong embraces on the first few kisses. Instead, keep your lips soft and slightly parted, and avoid puckering.